Hi, I’m Lee!

After going through a difficult time in my own life, I found Deep Emotional Release and have been using it as a powerful healing modality for the past 20 years as a certified Deep Emotional Release Practitioner.

Releasing deep, often hidden, repressed emotions in my clients is my life’s purpose.

I work with breath, chakras and an alternative type of questioning and release work, while facilitating emotional releases.

This work is quick, effective and amazes everyone who experiences it. The emotional healings are real, lasting and impact many facets of my clients’ lives.

I also love to deliver talks at conferences and seminars to help people understand the nature of our emotions. I love teaching the techniques for this type of healing. I also speak for private groups and have been asked to be a guest speaker to demonstrate my practice every semester in multiple classes over the last 5 years at both Ventura Community College and Channel Islands College.


Another way I help people transform their lives is through life coaching. Trained as a Feminine Power Transformational Life coach, I help women find their joy, abundance, fulfillment and empowerment.

My approach is heart centered, and my clients reflect back to me that I have incredible presence, compassion and an ability to listen deeply. I will help you recognize and transform the core of your issues and painful patterns in your life, and you will shift from victim to creator.

Working with me as your coach entails deep transformation at the level of identity. You get crystal clear on your limiting beliefs that have been running the show, creating scarcity, pain and a lack of flourishing.  I teach you powerful tools and embodied practices to start showing up differently in the area you want to change. 

You will learn that you have the ability to go within and trust your intuition, find your answers and lead yourself! 

Schedule a FREE coaching session

Let me gift you a free coaching session to get clear on what you want to create, what’s holding you back, and how to move forward!